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Rambam for Friday, 13 Tevet, 5776 - December 25, 2015

Rambam - Sefer HaMitzvos
As Divided for The Daily Learning Schedule

Text of the Siddur
Positive Mitzvah 154

12 Tevet, 5776 - December 24, 201514 Tevet, 5776 - December 26, 2015

Continuation from "Text of Blessings after a meal" until end.

The Study of Rambam is on the order of Prayer - Nusach HaTefila and is said inside the Rambam.

Positive Mitzvah 154: Resting on Shabbat
Exodus 23:12 "And on the seventh day you shall rest"

Look at a globe or a map and spot an island.

Do you see that bold brown patch of land amidst the surrounding blue water area?

It is clearly visible, existing peacefully and calmly, while the waves fling themselves against its sandy beaches.

The seventh day of the week - Shabbat - can be compared to an island.

Not a geographical one, but rather an "island in time."

The days before and the following week are busy and full of weekday activity. They are like those tossing waves in the sea. Shabbat is like that peaceful island.

We are commanded to stop all our work and rest on Shabbat.

On Shabbat, we do not concern nor involve ourselves in our weekday work and occupations.

Existence is the greatest of all miracles: At every moment, each thing comes again into being from absolute void. In truth, the essence of each thing is the Nothingness from whence it comes.

So what is so impossible about that which is truly nothing behaving as nothing? Why is it easier to accept the existence of the world than it is to accept the occurrence of miracles?

From: Bringing Heaven Down to Earth by Tzvi Freeman -

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