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Tanya for Thursday, 26 Sivan, 5783 - June 15, 2023

As Divided for a Regular Year

Tanya for 26 Sivan

25 Sivan, 5783 - June 14, 202327 Sivan, 5783 - June 16, 2023

Chapter Eight

[Creation effected absolutely no change in the Creator, neither in His Unity nor in His knowledge.

This we learn from the verse, "I, Havayah, have not changed," as the Alter Rebbe explained in the preceding chapter.

Though one might assume that by bringing created beings into existence G-d's knowledge was supplemented - in that only after their creation did he become aware of them, so to speak - this in fact is not so, for G-d's knowledge is wholly one with G-d Himself.

G-d's knowledge is thus entirely unlike man's.

Acquired knowledge constitutes an addition to a mortal soul, which is a compound, not a simple and perfect unity.

G-d's Unity, by contrast, is perfect, without any superaddition.

Accordingly, His unique manner of knowledge is such that by knowing Himself He knows all of creation, which derives from Him.

This knowledge of self existed before G-d brought created beings into existence. By knowing them, therefore, nothing at all was added to His previous knowledge. And such a manner of knowledge, concluded the Alter Rebbe, is beyond the comprehension of man.

In this chapter (Eight), the Alter Rebbe goes on to explain that Maimonides' statement that "He is the Knowledge ...." applies not only to G-d's knowledge, but also to all His other attributes and Names, including His Chochmah and will. They are all completely united with G-d Himself].

Now, what Maimonides (of blessed memory) has said [1] - that the Holy One, blessed be He, His Essence and Being, and His knowledge are completely one, a perfect unity and not a composite at all, - this applies equally to all the attributes of the Holy One, blessed be He, and to all His holy Names, and the designations which the Prophets and Sages, of blessed memory have ascribed to Him, such as Gracious, Merciful, Beneficent, and the like.

This is also true with respect to His being called Wise, as it is written, [2] "And He is also wise,..."

And likewise with respect to His will, [as it is written, [3]] " G-d desires those who fear Him," and [4] "He wishes to do kindness," and [5] "He desires the repentance of the wicked and does not desire their death and wickedness," - [thus we have verses indicating both what He finds desirable and undesirable; so, too, [6]] "Your eyes are too pure to behold evil"-[yet another thing that He does not desire].

[From the above verses, then, we see that emotions, wisdom and will are all ascribed to G-d. Nevertheless]:

His will and His wisdom and His attribute of kindness and His mercy and His other attributes do not add plurality and composition (G-d forbid) to His Essence and Being, but His Being and Essence and His will and wisdom and understanding and knowledge, and His attribute of kindness and His might and mercy and beauty, [the last of] which is composed of His kindness and might, and likewise His other holy attributes, - all [the above, comprising his Being and Essence, and his will, and the Sefirot of ChaBaD and the middot], constitute an absolutely perfect unity, which is His very Being and Essence.

And as Maimonides (of blessed memory) stated, [7] "This [form of unity wherein G-d's knowledge and so on is one with G-d Himself] is beyond the capacity of the mouth to express, beyond the capacity of the ear to hear, and beyond the capacity of the heart of man to apprehend clearly."

For man visualizes in his mind all the concepts which he wishes to conceive and understand - all as they are within himself.

For instance, if he wishes to envisage the essence of will, or the essence of wisdom or of understanding or of knowledge, or the essence of the attribute of kindness and mercy and the like, he visualizes them all as they are within himself.

[Just as this is so with regard to envisaging one's own intellect and emotions, so, too, regarding an individual's desire to apprehend Divine Intellect and emotions: he endeavors to do so by envisaging intellect and emotion as they are found within himself].

But in truth, the Holy One, blessed be He, is [8] "high and exalted" and "holy is His Name"; [i.e., His Name, too, is "holy" and set apart - for this is implied by the root Kadosh].

That is to say, He is Holy and separated many myriads of degrees of separations ad infinitum, above the quality, type or kind of praises and exaltation which creatures could grasp and conceive in their minds.

[It is for this reason that G-d is called the Holy One, blessed be He, for the degree to which He transcends the created universe defies mortal conception].



  1. (Back to text) Yad HaChazakah, Hilchot Yesodei HaTorah, 2:10.

  2. (Back to text) Yeshayahu 31:2.

  3. (Back to text) Tehillim 147:11.

  4. (Back to text) Michah 7:18.

  5. (Back to text) Cf. Yechezkel 18:23; Liturgy, Neilah.

  6. (Back to text) Chavakuk 1:13.

  7. (Back to text) Loc. cit.

  8. (Back to text) Liturgy, Morning Prayer.

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